
Monday 1 September 2014

Leibester Award for blogging: I've been nominated and am nominating others too : )

First, thanks so much to Georgia Kate of peqpermint, the lovely lass who nominated my blog for this award (see her cool blog here).

Just quickly, the Leibester Award is for new blogs and the rules are as follows:
  • thank the lovely blogger who nominated you
  • answer the 11 questions they've asked you
  • nominate 6 to 11 bloggers (they must have under 200 followers)
  • ask them 11 questions, which they can answer in a post.

Here are the questions I was asked:

1. What's another hobby you have, other than your blog's topic?

Writing. I'm a writer and editor by trade, and these things are also my hobby (see my author blog here). Littlewhitetruths is a 'life' blog with a focus on beauty, but I also love food and travel and sometimes post on these things. Music is another obsession (yes, I have a few ; ) ). Oh, and cooking.

2. How do you keep fit and healthy?

Exercise. And I'm a healthy eater - I'm one of those annoying people who generally prefers healthy food. I'd pick a fillet of salmon with roasted veggies or salad over a burger any day. Yep, I'm weird.

3. What's your favourite shop?

Op shops. All of them. I can't walk past one without going in. Most of my clothes are from op shops, and most of the paintings/decorations in our house are too. Almost all the books I own were bought from secondhand bookshops (unless they were gifts), except my recipe book collection. Some are secondhand, but there's a bunch in mint condition in prime place on my revered bookshelf : )

4. Whats your favourite movie, book & artist/band? (sorry can't choose between the three)

Oh golly that's hard. 

Movie... Maybe The Intouchables, which I saw recently. Also, I have Loved you so Long. I'm a not-so-closet James Bond junkie too (except anything with Roger Moore in it) and love the Bourne trilogy.

Book... Atonement by Ian McEwan. Also love The Shadow of the Wind and The Book Thief. I'm sure I've forgotten a few.

Artist... Tori Amos, Mumford & Sons, The National, old school Tool, Florence & The Machine, Vampire Weekend. Ach, the list could go on.

5. What's your best tip?

Do the work. Trust the process.

Beauty tip? Enjoy practising and finding out what works best for you. Be prepared to try new things. Eg, I'd always thought eyeliner had to be black. Wrong! Try brown - looks much more natural but still delivers punch. Best discovery ever!

6. Why did you start your blog?

Figured I'd better make use of my beauty obsession (!). Also, I'm self-employed and need a few income streams to stay afloat/pay the mortgage. So I thought I'd blog for fun and hopefully see if I could earn enough to at least fund my coffee habit.

7. Any hidden talents?

Cooking. Apparently I have a skill in creating meals out of 'thin air'; ie, when the pantry and fridge are bare and others think you can't make a meal from what's before you, I'm good at finding a way : )

Oh! And my coffee and restaurant radar - I can almost always pick a good joint without resorting to Google, just by the look/feel of it. Call it a junkie's intuition ; )

8. What's your favourite brand?

I'm assuming cosmetics here, and that's a tough question! I love Happy Skincare and I've just discovered theBalm, and I'm loving all theBalm products I've tried so far (they're not too expensive either). Shanghai Suzy lipsticks too.

I might as well say this here too - my favourite brand used to be Mirenesse, but I was so turned off by their horrendous and, quite frankly, bitchy customer service that I stopped buying the products and refuse to review them on littlewhitetruths. Also, their advertising/general business practices deserve serious legal examination and if I had the time/energy I'd have dobbed them into the ACCC long ago. It's worth mentioning so others are aware.

9. What's your favourite product?

BB/CC creams and tinted moisturisers. The ones you can't tell I'm wearing so people think I have better skin than I do hehe.

10. Least favourite product?

I'd have to say mascara - it's a love/hate relationship. I use it every day and love the effect of it, but because I have puffy eyes it always ends up all over my eye area and I have to clean patches of skin at least once as the stuff dries. Every farken day. So annoying.

11. What's your favourite music genre?

I suppose you'd put me in the alternative music genre, but I'm open to anything. Good music can come from any genre - classical, indie, hip hop, even top 40 pop (c'mon, tell me you don't rush to the dance floor when you hear Hit Me Baby One More Time at weddings ; ) ).

My nominees are:

1. Do you struggle with being 'visible' in social media? (I do!)

2. When and why did you start blogging?

3. Any tips for new bloggers?

4. How long do you spend on your blog each day (including thinking about it)?

5. Do you have a beauty 'idol'? Eg I love Emma Watson - she always looks great and can carry off the natural look well.

6. What's your favourite quote, whether related to beauty or not?

7. You can take three products/tools to a desert island: what would you take?

8. What are your interests (leaving aside the focus of your blog)?

9. What's your favourite cosmetics brand?

10. What's your best beauty tip/s?

11. Are you a fashion-minded lass as well, or are you mainly into the cosmetics side of things?

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