
Friday 10 October 2014

How long does it take to finish: a primer?

Have you ever wondered how long it takes to finish things? I often do, and since deciding to avoid buying any new beauty products for a whole year (see my post on that here), I thought it would make me feel better to look at how long things last - and therefore how I really REALLY don't need anything new for AT LEAST a whole year!

I'll be looking at three products this month: a lipstick (see my post here), a primer and a foundation (see here).

I picked this primer because I opened it on 1 October, so I know exactly how long it's been in use and we can get an accurate idea of how long a 15ml bottle lasts.

A few things to say from the outset (so you can compare your primer usage and adapt the results to what you'd expect for you):
  • I use primer every day - even if I'm not bothering to do my whole face - because I usually put on at least a BB cream so the primer comes in handy in terms of staying power.
  • I use primer on my whole 'face', which includes my neck and décolletage - because your face doesn't stop at your chin.
  • I mix my primer with a liquid illuminator at a 50:50 ratio; if I didn't do that, I'd get through the bottle more quickly.
  • Primer is something I apply sparingly. Eg with the liquid foundation I'm testing this month, I use about twice the amount (although I wouldn't with every foundation - that one is Revlon's Nearly Naked foundation and it's very light so you can build coverage without looking made up). If you're heavy handed with primer, you might get through a bottle more quickly.


This was the easiest of the bunch to get a reading on. As mentioned, I squeeze my primer into a little pot and add an equal amount of liquid illuminator to it, and I leave the pot in the bathroom.

I've just had a look, and there are three days worth of application left in that pot. As you can see from the above photo, I've been through half the bottle.

Therefore, I've gone through 7.5ml of primer this month, and a standard 15ml bottle will last me about two months. This fits in with my previous experience of primer: I already knew that a 5ml sample would last me between two and three weeks, and a 10ml travel size would last just over a month.

So that's the verdict! Makes me realise that I'll easily run out of primer during my year-long spending ban - from memory I have two full size back ups and a 7.5ml travel size in my stores. So unless I manage to score a primer in one of the subscription boxes I have coming over the next few months, I might have to look at making my own (I have a pore-minimising face powder that I could perhaps mix with moisturiser and it might perform a similar function - we'll see!).

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