
Saturday 8 November 2014

Can a beauty junkie go for a year without buying beauty products? One month down!

If you saw my earlier post on deciding to go for a whole year without buying new beauty products, you may be wondering how that's been going. In truth? It's hard!

While I'm managing so far, remember that I'm still receiving Violet Box and Lust Have It (plus a few pre-ordered Memeboxes will filter in over the next couple of months) because those have already been paid for, so I'm not yet completely starved. But I will be soon. Ach!

This past month, only two purchases slipped through the net because they fell within my 'rules':
  • First, I cancelled an old order and got a refund, using the cash to purchase a Memebox that I wanted more. So new money wasn't 'spent'; old money spent was simply transferred (glad to have found a loophole there haha).
  • Second, I used the LHI voucher to get that Urban Skincare travel pack with free shipping (total cost $7.96) because Mex asked me to buy him soap, shampoo and conditioner, and the pack included those). Plus I'd seen that people were getting upgrades on those orders, so I took a punt and crossed my fingers, and was lucky to receive one too! I'm looking forward to trialling those products in the New Year.

In this coming month, I have a Priceline club voucher to spend (value around $12.50), so I'm planning to pick up that Models Prefer nude eyeshadow palette (I don't have many nude eyeshadows - they're mostly in brighter/darker colours), and I'll use the leftover to buy something like makeup pads since that palette costs $10.

Santa has also offered to buy me cosmetics (and Mum, bless her, is worried about my emotional state if I'm not feeding my obsession - particularly because I'm preggers and feel rubbish most days), but I've decided to choose maybe just one thing and have asked for the rest of my Christmas presents from family to be for the baby. Mex has done the same, since neither of us really needs anything.

As mentioned in my earlier post, the problem with my beauty buying has been less about outlay (I'm a bargain shopper and know how to budget, thank golly) and more about volume. Most of us have a touch of OCD about some things - mine is directed towards my professional work and also waste (so I don't, for example, care about how clean the house is or whether my clothes have been ironed).

This past year I've watched my 'bargain purchases' stack up faster than I can get through them. I have enough of most things to last me a year, and with some things I could go for two (eg base products like BB/CC creams and foundations). And of course, products like blushes and eyeshadows will likely never get finished prior to expiry. I don't like the idea of product waste - it annoys the bejesus out of me - so I decided to halt the flow before it got out of hand. I reckon I've done that, but only just! Phew.

So yes, one month down, and I must say I'm squirming. I'm hoping it gets easier! I've had to change some of my habits - eg I no longer slip into my local Priceline every time I go to Coles, which is next door - because that's just making things too hard for myself and I'm a sucker for gifts with purchase and the like.

What the spending ban has meant, however, is that I'm revisiting what I have and really focusing on enjoying things, rather than just using them up so I can move on to the next thing. It also means I'm not spending so much time searching for the next product I just HAVE to have, and making the most of what I have already.

That has to be a good thing : )

Anyhoo, I'll check back in next month! I'm really not sure that I can keep this up (particularly where fragrance is concerned, since I'm a fragrance junkie first and foremost), but I'll keep at it.

Speak soon x

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