
Saturday 14 February 2015

How long does it take to finish: a lip gloss?

It's been a while since I've done one of these 'how long does it take to finish...?' posts so I thought it was high time I got one rolling.

This month I'm looking at perhaps my most basic makeup necessity: lip gloss. I literally can't live without it - my lips are so dry that I need to apply a truckload on a daily basis.

I think that's the main reason why I haven't done a lip gloss post in this series until now: my results won't be the same as most lasses' because I do use so much of it. Having said this, you can still get an idea of how long a gloss might last you by eg doubling the results (in terms of weeks), based on how often each day you swipe your lips.

This funkily packaged little gloss arrived in an LHI FAB box from memory. It contains 6.2ml of product - which is an annoying amount because it's not a whole number - but it seemed the right kind of gloss for this test (clear, so I can use it every day and not think twice about it because it sits nicely over lipstick), so that's why I picked it.

A few things to note:
  • As mentioned, I go through a ridiculous amount of lip products because my lips are so dry and I'm no doubt addicted to them (I think I might have a 'tick' too - I've become hardwired to apply it without thinking). So I might swipe something like this an average of ten times daily. If you use gloss half as much, you can calculate the results from there as they apply to you.
  • I already have a good idea of how long a gloss lasts me: a standard 4.5ml one will last me between two and three months. So I'm guessing this will last me three or four months, although I haven't focused on using a gloss every day before so the length of time may well be shorter.
  • This is an 'average' kind of gloss in terms of thickness (and therefore how much you're likely to apply each time), so a thinner gloss might last you longer and a thicker gloss less time, but this should give you a reasonable idea of how long glosses last regardless, because it's somewhere in the middle.

That's it from me for now! I'll check back in soon with results but, as mentioned, I'm predicting this will last between three and four months, based on previous experience. Let's see!


Well this one finished itself much faster than expected! I'm scraping the last little bits out as we speak, so it lasted just shy of two months.

I'm surprised because I'd expected 6.2ml of product to last longer than the 4.5ml glosses I usually use, but it lasted about the same length of time (even a little less). So either this has been going on thicker than I'd thought (so I'm applying more each time), or it's been transferring more quickly (so I've had to swipe it more often).

Anyway. While I'm sad to see the end of this gloss, I'm also more than ready to crack open a new one so I'm pleased about that!

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