
Tuesday 25 August 2015

Some notes on Project Pan: my experience and a few tips

I've been meaning to jot down a few notes on my experience of Project Pan for a while, just in case anyone's considering doing it for themselves.

For those who don't know, Project Pan - also known as Project 10 Pan and Project Hit Pan - is a 'movement' that's gaining momentum in cyberspace and seems to be particularly popular with beauty junkies who've managed to wind up with too much stuff and don't quite know what to do with it all.

Basically you're meant to pick 10 of your beauty products to use every day, and you're not allowed to buy any new ones until they're all gone. If a product is finished, you select a replacement from your existing stash. People seem to make their own rules (eg some pick only five products; some are just trying to finish things and aren't buying any more for the moment etc), but the general idea is the same: use what you have and finish old products.

There are plenty of other reasons why a person might do it (eg some bloggers want to train themselves to really experience a product and finish it before they review it), but that seems to be the overall idea.

I started PP at the beginning of this year because I've been busily trying to streamline my collection for a couple of years now - which has included going on a spending ban and then a low-buy - and when I heard about Project Pan, I thought it was definitely for me.

I think it has been useful, but I've also learned to be careful of which products I'm picking to use every day, particularly when I'm using them at the expense of other products. It's all well and good to finish off eg a bronzer that you don't like that much and want to get some use from, but not when you've got a high-end bronzer you love sitting around and slowly getting old as the months pass.

So, after having done Project Pan for almost eight months now, here's what I would say to anyone thinking of giving it a go:

Pick products that you have some hope of finishing, otherwise you won't stay motivated

I'm SO guilty of this one. Eg I have a dark-coloured single eyeshadow that I included on my opening PP list, and the damn thing is not only still going after eight months of daily use, but there's barely a dent in it. ARGH.

I've decided to keep using it because at least it can double as a brow powder and I don't really care what I put on my brows so I'm not likely to get bored of it (whereas I would get bored if I used the same colour eyeshadow each day), but I won't make the mistake of including something like this again. 

If it were a pale or sheer colour I might have made more headway, but as it is, it's just been this product that's sat there annoying me and taken up space on my PP list.

Choose products that can serve more than one purpose

If like me you get bored of using the same lipstick or blush each day, then choose PP products that can be used for more than one thing. Eg I have a lip and cheek tint that I'm trying to finish at the moment, so I can change this up a bit and wear it on my lips one day and my cheeks another. Plus it serves as a good base for other colours, so I can wear it and chuck something else over the top, which means I won't get bored of the colour. I'll have to keep choosing products like this because I'm more likely to use them.

Move your older products into circulation

I did try putting a few newer products onto the list so that I've actually got things I'm using every day that I love, but I won't be getting through those any time soon either because they're brand new.

The best way to keep Project Pan rolling is to make sure you've got old products on the list that don't have too much left and need to be used up because they're getting old. Finishing things before they go rancid is one of the points of Project Pan, after all.

Work out what you have too many of, and use those

Eg I have far too many BB/CC creams and primers, so I've made sure that I've always got a couple of those on my PP list. If I'm having trouble committing to using the same base every day, I put two different ones in circulation so at least I can change things up a bit. Yes that means I won't get through any single item as quickly, but it also means I won't get too bored and I'll be able to keep going.

Use your good stuff

Don't use up old blushes that you don't like if you've got some beautiful high-end blushes sitting around gathering dust - otherwise those high-end products might deteriorate over time while you're too busy using up the stuff you shouldn't have bought from the clearance bin at Priceline.

If you really don't like a product, donate it or find an alternative use for it (that's if, like me, you can't bear to just throw things away). The only thing worse than seeing a bad product going to waste is seeing a good one going to waste!

Work out what you can handle using every day

I can't use the same blush or eyeshadow each day (unless it's a base colour that's going to be covered by other products), but I can use the same bronzer each day because, well, brown is brown and they tend to look similar on the skin (unless it's an Hourglass bronzer, but that's another story) - especially if you pick products that are right for your skintone.

If you can't handle wearing the same eyeshadow duo each day, then don't - you'll start hating the whole Project Pan thing pretty quickly.

In sum

I think that's enough from me for the moment! I'll do another one of these posts in future once I've finished the Project Pan year, and if I decide to do it again next year, I'll certainly come to it with a better idea of how to go about it than I did this time around.

Are you doing Project Pan or have you considered doing it? I'd love to hear others' experiences of it.

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