
Saturday 23 April 2016

Phytocare Papaya Pawpaw Ointment (Lip Applicator) - review

We received this product in our Lust Have It Spring 2015 Eco Boxes (reviewed here) and I wasn't too excited to see it because I've wound up with so many paw paw ointments in sub boxes over the last couple of years that I'm rather sick of seeing them!

Still, I'd prefer to receive something like this that will get used in one way or another, as opposed to another bright blue eyeshadow or neon lipstick, so all is not lost! It took me a while to open it because I needed to finish off a couple of other products before I got to this one, but I'm getting near the end of the tube now so it's high time I wrote this review.

Phytocare claims/product details:
  • For cracked, dry, irritated skin, cradle cap and cracked heels
  • To soothe and moisten nipples while breastfeeding
  • A soothing moisturiser gentle enough to use as a nappy cream
  • For dry and chapped lips, protecting skin and lips against wind and cold
  • Deeply moisturising and nourishing, promotes skin elasticity
  • Perfect for tattoo aftercare
  • Ingredients include papaya (paw paw), calendula, shea butter
  • RRP $6.95 AUD for 10g

There's what the product looks like:


I prefer to test these kinds of products when I've got the issues that they're targeted at (eg cracked lips) but I haven't had anything like that going on lately so I can't say whether it works for such things. 

What I can say is that I've had some dry, flaky skin around my nose and mouth now that the weather is getting cooler, and I've applied this overnight to the irritated areas and found it quite soothing on the skin. My dryness has cleared up a little but I've been throwing so many products at it (including oils and hydrating masks) that it's impossible to say whether any single product helped the problem or whether they all did so together.

I guess it's something that the product does seem to help with dryness on the skin, and it does feel nice enough when applied overnight as a lip treatment. I wouldn't use it during the day on my lips, however, because I find all paw paw ointments - not just this one - to be quite slimy on the lips in texture and they do transfer so quickly that it's almost not worth using them. But of course it's all personal preference.

What I've been using this for most is as a foot balm, since my feet are perpetually dry and I need something thicker and richer than whatever I'd normally use on the rest of my body. This works well for that purpose and my feet are feeling nice and soft, and I can't see any dry patches of skin so it's obviously doing a good job.

In sum, this product is no better or worse than any other paw paw ointment I've tried, so if you're after something of this nature, then this is as good as any other. It does work for the purposes I've tried it for, and I suspect it would work for the skin conditions (eg cracked nipples and nappy rash) that I haven't been able to test it for because no one in our house has had them.

Does the job.

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