
Thursday 7 July 2016

The big declutter 2016

Earlier in the week I wrote a post on tips for decluttering (see here) because I'm having a junk removal moment and wanted to share a few tricks I've learned over the years.

I realised after writing the post that I may as well bring you guys into my decluttering efforts: I like watching and reading declutter videos and posts, so others might too.

While I don't need to do heaps of decluttering because I don't have drawers and drawers full of stuff, I still do wind up with quite a few things each year that aren't getting used for whatever reason and I make sure to find other uses or homes for them - even if that home is the rubbish bin ; )

So what I'll do over the next week or so is write a few separate posts on my current decluttering efforts, just to bring you into the loop. Hopefully you find the posts interesting: if you do, let me know and I'll be sure to write a declutter series each year.

Anyhoo. To give you an idea, these are the kinds of things I'm doing at the moment to help with my makeup (and other) decluttering efforts:

  • I've finally bought myself a Z-palette and I had my first attempt at depotting a few old eyeshadows yesterday. Looking forward to posting on that soon: there's definitely a learning curve involved!
  • In addition to my usual sachet city posts, I'll be doing one on a bunch of samples I've accrued that are larger in size. Since we're not planning on travelling any time soon, I'd like to move those things from my collection because some have been hanging around for a while.
  • I'm about to donate a bundle of things to a local woman's shelter. I do this a couple of times each year but I'd like to start including you guys in that process so you know what I'm passing on and why.
  • I'm doing a general declutter at home of other items. This often happens around tax time each year, because logging and tossing or filing the various documents I've had piling up tends to inspire me to clean out the cupboards in general. I may or may not write a separate post on this - it depends on how much there is to say : )

That's all from me for now! 

I'm looking forward to posting on decluttering because I haven't done this in past years - silly, because I clean out my stores quite often and I know that decluttering posts can be useful for others.

Do let me know if you've had a declutter moment of late and whether you have any tips or ideas : )

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