
Wednesday 31 August 2016

Five good things: August 2016

I started this five good things series back in June, and I'll have to write a note to myself because I did manage to forget July's post (ooops) and I only just remembered August's one this morning.

Probably not surprising, given that I'm well into my second pregnancy now and there's been a lot going on, but I'm glad I remembered because the sun is rising, it's no longer biting cold in the mornings and it's the first day of spring. What better day to write a list of positives for the month?!

So in no particular order...

It's been a warm week

Has it ever. Spring arrived early this week - in Melbourne at least - and we've had some gorgeous sunshine and balmy air to boot. You know how there's always that one brief period in any year where the sun arrives for more than a day or two and you suddenly realise that winter is over? This past week of August has been that one, and man are we ready for it!

I picked my daughter up from childcare yesterday and all the doors and windows were open at the centre, and for the first time all the children were outside when I came in. Smiles all round and the carers looked super relaxed - no one could talk about anything but the weather. I had one of those 'yes, winter is gone' moments then. Sublime.

My daughter randomly started dancing

This was hysterical. Last weekend my eighteen-month-old toddler was playing with a musical toy she has, and she suddenly started dancing right before our very eyes. It was absolutely hysterical, the way she was bobbing up and down and waving her arms, attempting to tap-dance. My husband and I spent a good deal of that weekend playing music for her so she'd do it again!

She must have learned that one at childcare, since neither myself nor my husband launch into dance on any given day ; ), and it was one of the funniest and sweetest (and clumsiest!) things I've ever seen.

Here's to spontaneous dancing. Reckon we all need to do more of that.

I haven't been sick for the past week

You wouldn't quite believe it, but I've been sick non-stop since mid March. Honestly, not a day has gone by when I haven't been ill with something and I spent the entire of my second trimester on back-to-back antibiotics for different ailments.

I've been lucky enough to have been blessed with a good immune system, but when you're pregnant you're immunosuppressed, which means that all those bugs your child brings home during her first childcare winter are coming straight for you. And while my daughter has gotten over the bugs within a day or two, it has taken my body a fortnight at least to recover from each. 

It hasn't been easy, that's for sure, but let's hope this warmer weather heralds the end of illness for now.

I've been able to open new products, and there's more yet to come

Fellow beauty lovers will understand this: you know how sometimes your products just seem never-ending, so any new products you want to open and try are left sitting around, waiting for a spot in daily rotation? 

My skincare has been like that for most of winter, but over the past few weeks, I've started to finally finish some older things - meaning I've been able to dust off some new stuff from my stores. Hooray! 

So spring is definitely bringing some fun new products along with it, and I can see more new spots opening up shortly because a few of my bottles are on their last legs. Thank god for that : )

My husband has promised to buy me that new Hourglass Surreal Light Palette

I couldn't not mention this one! If you read this blog, you'll know I'm a sucker for Hourglass - and you may have seen that the brand is releasing a 2016 holiday palette containing five new powders for us junkies to get our hands on.

It won't be cheap, that's for sure, so I've bargained with him and promised I won't slip in any budget lipstick buys etc until it's released. While we really can't afford 'unnecessary' purchases these days (if you can ever call Hourglass unnecessary ; ) ), if I tighten the purse strings for now and sacrifice a dinner or two, we'll be able to do it. Woot woot!

In sum

That's my five positives for August! It may have been a tough year with the pregnancy and everything else we've had on our plates - particularly over the past few months - but the sun has been out this week and we're on the countdown now so this belly may well come to fruition in early October.

Do let me know what positives you've had this month - I'm always pleased to hear some good news : )

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