
Sunday 21 May 2017

Jergens Age Defying Multivitamin Moisturiser - review

We received this Jergens body cream in one of our boxes from The Parcel (of course, where would an edit of The Parcel be without Jergens?!), and it's taken me a while to open and review it because I've had a few body creams in back-log so I've been rather behind.

But I've had this on the go for the past month now and I'm getting towards the end of my bottle, meaning it's time to give you my thoughts. Short story is: it's fine but I prefer other Jergens creams I've used and I personally wouldn't pick this one.

Jergens claims/product details:
  • Revitalises and replenishes ageing, dry skin for a deeply luminous, visibly rejuvenated look
  • Restores skin's youthful look
  • With a unique blend of emollients, antioxidants, and vitamins a, c, and e
  • Helps visibly diminish the signs of ageing 
  • Leaves skin noticeably more luminous
  • Triples skin's moisture content with continued use
  • Jergens moisturisers are created to make a beautiful difference for your skin - a difference you can actually see, feel and experience
  • Best for dry skin
  • RRP $6.99 AUD for 250ml, but do shop around


This is one of those products that's neither really good nor really bad, so it's one that I haven't 'noticed' much as I've used it.

I've tried a few Jergens body creams before (that's right, always courtesy of The Parcel ; )) and the ones I prefer are the Jergens Shea Butter Deep Conditioning Moisturiser (reviewed here) and the Jergens Ultra Healing Extra Dry Skin Moisturiser (reviewed here) - both of which feel more nourishing on my skin than this one does.

It's a white cream that's quite lightweight and it smells a little like men's cologne to me, so it's a masculine scent rather than a sweet one and it mightn't be for everyone. I don't mind the scent but I do have others I prefer.

The cream spreads and absorbs well and it's one of those that doesn't call for heaps of product per application, so it's good for those like me who get through body cream all too quickly.

It has a tacky finish that won't be for everyone (indeed, my fingers are sticking to the keyboard a little as I type because I applied some earlier) and I wasn't surprised to see that glycerin is listed as the second ingredient. So if you don't like creams that leave your skin feeling tacky or make your limbs stick to your clothing, then this mightn't be for you.

On the claims: yes this replenishes dry skin and yes it leaves you looking a bit shiny and therefore 'luminous' (that'd be the glycerin); yes it's fine for dry skin but I've used more nourishing creams from this brand; and no I don't think it triples skin's moisture content with continued use, nor do I think it helps visibly diminish the signs of ageing. The glycerin just makes me look a bit shiny until I wash it off: but it doesn't make me look youthful.

All in all, this cream is fine but it wouldn't be my personal pick from Jergens' range (I suggest the two I've linked above) and it's not one I would buy. It's ok, but better creams are available in this price-bracket.


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