
Sunday 2 July 2017

Happy third birthday to little white truths

You may have seen me mention that I completely forgot about this blog's birthday on 20 June (sorry blog!), mainly because I've been drowned in work and have been dealing with sick kids to boot. On top of that, it's my own birthday on 30 June so I've been focused on organising things for that and forgot littewhitetruths.

Funnily enough, I just had a look at the post I did for this blog's second birthday, and in it I mentioned that I was stuck at home with a sick toddler, a depressed dog (who had realised she wasn't going to get a walk that day because it was cold and pelting down rain) and I was also pregnant with my son and feeling rubbish myself.

I do feel sorry for this blog, I must say. I started it when I was in the first trimester of my first pregnancy because I knew I would need something 'non domestic' to do once I started my maternity leave or I might go batty, so it has always (rightfully) taken a back seat to motherhood. One day I would like for it to become a little more important, but that day is not today.

As for where things are at today, my husband has just left for work and thankfully our childcare centre is (sort of) on the way to the train station, so he's taken number one (who's at the tail-end of a cold) and I've got number two until 12.30pm. 

He's sick too unfortunately, which has meant that my  husband and I have been alternating taking care of him, so we've been up every hour with him for the last five nights and we're feeling very dusty.

Such is life.

Nevertheless I would like to do a few posts to honour my blog's third birthday, and this is the first one. What I would like to do is thank it for helping to hold me together these past few years. 

It's not just the ability to write each day that's been so precious, but also the idea that I have something to do each day besides change nappies, pick up toys and puree food. And while it's true that the tide has started turning because I'm now back from maternity leave and doing other things, it's still good to have a little corner of the day that's just for me.

The other thing this blog has been good for is giving me an online community. I already had a beauty obsession when I started littlewhitetruths but writing about beauty has encouraged me to read other beauty blogs and also watch beauty YouTubers. 

In doing this I have found a section of the planet that's made for people who love makeup and skincare and want to talk about it. These people come from all over the world. There's something really cool about that, and I also have to mention the panning community, which is the nicest online beauty group I've come across so far.

Anyhoo. Best I don't dwell too much here because I need to keep going with my tax sooner rather than later. I used to be the kind of person who did my tax at the end of each month so I was almost up-to-date by June 30, but these last few years have seen me start it in May, June or July. So long as it gets done, I suppose.

So Happy Birthday to this little blog, and here's to hoping that it's another good year of improving the look and feel of littlewhitetruths, getting a little better at my photos and swatches as the days tumble on, and keeping up the momentum once the 'real' work, universe willing, keeps coming in. That's the problem with being self-employed. Some months you have too much work and need to knock some back, and others you have none. You just never know.

Thanks again to anyone who reads this blog and subscribes to my posts. I appreciate any small visit, and I hope you've found some helpful stuff here along the way. Rest assured that, by the time next year rolls around, things will have improved a little day by day. 

Because that's all I can hope for until the kids are off in the world and starting kindergarten, starting school, university...

I'm aware that these things happen in the blink of an eye. But I know now, after three years, that I can say this blog is here to stay and grow with me along the way.

Hope all's well with you. Lots of love and big hugs to you all, and speak soon x

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