
Tuesday 23 October 2018

Five good things: October 2018

Hello and welcome to October's monthly positives post.

It's been a busy month and I do have a few positives coming to mind immediately today, which doesn't often happen because I tend to write these posts when I've had a bad sleep and need to get my head into a more positive place. But thankfully I slept ok last night, so I'm coming from a positive place already. Yay!

In no particular order...

I've been clearing out the junk

Around this time every year, I do a clean out of all the kids' old toys and broken books etc, to make room for the things they'll invariably receive for Christmas from my family (especially the grandparents ; )).

I've done that, and it inspired me to clean a few drawers in the kitchen because they were overloaded and they've been annoying me, so that's been done too and already I feel lighter. 

And of course, having fewer toys and less junk means there's less for me to clean up and put away at the end of the day. Double yay.

I'm going to keep going with this and remove as much from our house as I can. I'm not a hoarder and I've never liked clutter - even though I'm not one of those people who stresses about mess - so my aim over the next month will be to throw out or donate as much as possible, just to give myself a less 'noisy' home environment. Loving it.

I'm making some changes

The decluttering process inspired me to look at the small things I can do to make my daily life a little better. The first thing that came to mind was to start taking my multivitamins again.

While I've done this for over a decade now, once I stropped breastfeeding my son at the end of January, it's been one of those things that I haven't been great at remembering to do. But they do make me feel better, so this week I've taken those every day - and once that habit is reinstalled, I'll look at the next thing.

Eg, next week I'm getting back on the fruit train. While I always make sure I'm giving my kids enough fruit, ever since having children I haven't been great at eating enough - even though I used to eat a lot. I reckon that's because it's hard to find time to eat when you're a primary carer, so when I do eat, I snuff something down that will fill me (an apple ain't gonna cut it, and they take too long to eat). But it's time. I'm getting back into the daily fruit habit next week. 

As for the week after, I'll think of something else, and then something else after that. Just small changes that might help how I feel overall and may also lift my daily mood. Looking forward.

We've done a lot of volunteer hours at kinder recently

At my daughter's kindergarten, parents are asked to contribute ten volunteer hours each year. Yes you can pay a fee instead, but most parents feel that's not the point: we want to help out.

While we had done some hours at working bees earlier in the year, we still had seven hours left and we've managed to pack that in over the last six weeks. Eg we took our dog in last week to give the children a talk about dogs and safety (eg leave a dog alone while it's eating etc), and it went well. (Hence the dog photos in this post hehe: I'm planning to write a dog safety post in the near future so I already had those on-hand.)

I also went in for a couple of hours last week to help in the garden, and Mex and I went to a working bee over the weekend.

So we've done our ten hours now, and while yes we're glad to have that sorted, it's also been nice for our daughter to see us helping out - she keeps excitedly showing me all the things I planted; very sweet - and to also spend more time with the other kinder parents. It's a great little community.

I haven't gone crazy with festive releases (yet ; ))

Gosh there are so many makeup items that have caught my eye over the last month, and I've put so many into my shopping cart at various times but haven't gone through with the purchases. Phew!

I was always going to buy the Hourglass Unlocked Palette, which I've done, but I've also been looking at releases from Becca, Marc Jacobs and Chantecaille, and I keep returning to those but I'm yet to pull the trigger. 

Once upon a time I would have bought more than I have, but I've been able to say 'no, I'll never be able to pan that' or 'no, the last thing you need is another highlighter' or 'no, your makeup inventory is looking good so don't spoil things now', and those things have helped me pull myself back.

While I may end up buying another thing or two if I can justify it (I've panned quite a few makeup items this year) at least I can say that I can exercise restraint these days and have been managing to do this well.

Let's hope that continues ; )

Our weekends have gone bonkers

This is one of those 'good but kinda bad' things. While in the past we've usually had a couple of things on each weekend, for the last three weeks, we've had four or five. Of course, that'd be fine if we didn't have a 2yo and a 3.5yo - but getting two kids organised and into the car that many times in a 48-hour period is bloody exhausting.

Yes it's great that we've been able to do lots of fun things with them and also catch up with heaps of people (including some friends we haven't seen for while), but we have found ourselves feeling depleted by Sunday night, and we've agreed that we need to scale things back a bit.

Problem is, we're booked out until mid-November. Ha. Let's look on the bright side. Plenty to do and plenty of sunshine ain't a bad thing ; )

In sum

That's all from  me. I hope you've enjoyed this little post and that you have plenty of your own positives for the month.

Do let me know in the comments what you've been up to lately: I'd love to hear.

Hope all's well with you, and speak soon x

* All images courtesy of

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