
Thursday 18 July 2019

Mecca Beauty Loop birthday gift 2019 - unboxing

Hello and welcome to another unboxing post!

I'm super far behind with blogging at the moment because I've had so much work on lately, so I've been slow off the mark with my unboxing posts and this is the third of the four that I want to get done sooner rather than later. One thing at a time I say.

Above is our Mecca Beauty Loop birthday gift for 2019. It's very pretty! 

I was so excited when I opened this and saw how special it looked, and I'm pleased that it contains a brush because I've never received one of those from Mecca and I don't have many makeup brushes so another one will never go astray.

The brush is described as a tapered contour and highlight brush, and the compact is a mini of Mecca's fabled Enlightened Lit From Within Powder.

I've heard a lot about the highlighter so I'm looking forward to trying it, and the brush is different from the two other highlighting/contouring brushes I own in shape and size, so I don't have anything like it and it may well fill a gap in my collection.

There's the brush above. I'm wondering if it will be a little too fat for highlighting in my case (I suspect it will make for a better contour brush), but we'll see.

And there's the highlighter below. It's not my kind of colour - it's too pink/rose gold and I prefer plain old gold - but I'll reserve judgement until I've tried it on the skin. At least I don't have anything else like it in my collection.

That's all from me!

I'm super excited about this year's birthday gift and can't wait to start using my products. Do let me know in the comments if you received this gift from Mecca and what you think of it if so: I'd love to hear.

Hope all's well with you, and speak soon x

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