
Wednesday 11 September 2019

Five good things: September 2019

I wrote my last monthly positives post exactly one month ago, so it seemed like a good day to write my next one today - especially because the sun is out and it's not too cold, which is always going to put me in a better mood.

Let's get straight into it.

Our solar panels are up and running

Yes, they're finally here. After a long wait (we were booked in back in April, but then the rebates ran out) and a good few hiccups along the way - including delays due to bad weather - they're finally up and they're working.

While they've only been up for two weeks so we're yet to see how much they've done for our power bill, it feels good to know that they're done and that we no longer need to think about them. And hip hip hooray that they were installed just before the onset of spring.

Now, to find the budget for a solar powered hot water system and a grey water arrangement in the bathroom...

I've read my first book in three years

While I kept reading books during both my pregnancies and also after the birth of my daughter, once my son was born (he's almost three now), I stopped reading. Why? Too damn tired. It's the same reason why both my husband and I struggle to watch TV shows with subtitles these days: having two pre-schoolers keeps us so exhausted that we just don't have the energy for it.

But I finished off a book yesterday, and it didn't take me anywhere near as long to read as I thought it would. Indeed, knocking off just 20 to 30 pages a day will get you somewhere pretty quickly, and I was able to concentrate on it better than I thought I would too. Hooray to that. So I'm back on the reading train and plan to stay there. I've missed it.

My chilblains are starting to heal

Ever since having children, I've suffered from the most painful and severe chilblains. I can't tell you how bad they are. As soon as it starts getting colder, my fingers become red and swollen, they crack, they blister and bleed, and they burn, split and sting whenever they come into contact with something (which is a lot, given we're talking about my hands).

This year I've had them for over four months now, and it's only been in the last week that they've started to heal (bring on the warm weather). It's the cold that does it, although I only started getting them when we had kids and not when we lived in Berlin, despite how freezing it was there. I think it has something to do with all the washing I have to do these days, plus having to wash my hands a lot (after nappy changes etc), and also walking around outside in the chill with the pram.

The faster it gets warmer, the faster they will heal.

My son has been accepted to kinder

While we were always going to get my son into my daughter's kindergarten next year because they prioritise siblings, it's nice to have it confirmed and know that we've got the days we asked for.

What this means is that we'll have both kids in the same spot next year, so drop off and pick up will be easier because everything will be in the same place. Hallelujah. It will also mean that both kids will now be in full-day care, three times a week (my son currently only does half-days at childcare). Double hallelujah. We won't know ourselves!

I'm also unbelievably thrilled that my son will be able to experience the same kinder as my daughter, because it's a wonderful place and I know he'll love it just as much as she does. I can't wait to see his little world expand as he becomes part of that community and has new adventures and experiences. Yay.

I've been able to buy some new makeup this month

As you may know, I was on skincare and makeup no buys for the first six months of this year, and while they've been lifted since June, I haven't bought much since then because I don't need more stuff.

However this month I've run out of my brow pencil and I'm low on mascara, lip gloss and concealer, meaning I've been able to make a few purchases from Mecca and also in the Sephora 20 percent off sale this morning.

It's really nice to buy new makeup when you actually need it, I must say. Too often in the past I've bought it just because I've wanted it - but it's nicer to buy something you both want and need. I'll be sticking to this from now on: I don't want any more stuff in my collection unless it's filling a gap.

In sum

That's all from me.

I hope you enjoyed this little post and that you have plenty of your own positives for the month.

I'm looking forward to this warmer weather continuing, I must say. Gosh it makes a huge difference!

Hope all's well with you, and speak soon x

* All images courtesy of

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