
Tuesday 14 July 2015

July 2015 empties #1

I have a feeling that my empties posts are going to start getting a lot smaller. This is partly because I've gotten through most of the rubbish Memebox items that I didn't like (eg a bundle of face creams that got sent to the body cream department), so pretty much everything I have open now is something I love and don't want to finish.

Also, I've gotten a lot better at only opening new things when I've finished something similar, so I don't have 564 body washes on the go at one time.

If I find that my total amount of empties for the month is less than twelve or so products, I'll compress these posts into one again - but for now I'll keep going with doing two empties posts each month.

Anyhoo. Let's have a look at the products I've finished so far this month.

Climax Water Pool Cleanser

Full review here. This was a Memebox inclusion and it's one of the few skincare products I received from Memebox that I quite liked. It cleans well enough, has a pleasant, grassy smell and is gentle but still gets the job done. I wouldn't rush out to buy it though and I did get over it about halfway through the bottle (it's a large 150ml size) so it got moved to the body wash department because I was low on body gels. Purchase? No.

Neogen Code 9 Pore Tightening Aqua Cream

Another Memebox inclusion, and this one was pretty rubbish - despite the hefty price tag. Full review here. I found that it didn't hydrate or plump my skin at all (indeed, it seemed to dry it out), and when I looked into it I saw that it contains a lot of alcohol, so that may be why. After that I used it as a body cream, and it was fine for that purpose and lasted quite a while because it melts/thins on impact and a little goes a long way. Purchase? No.

Urban Skincare Co Tonic Hand & Body Cleanser

I so wanted to love this because I love the matching body cream, but I just didn't. Full review here. It's a velvety gel that feels nice to the touch but it doesn't lather well, nor does it feel like it cleans well. I also seem to need a lot more of it than I do other body washes, and the smell isn't strong/ delicious enough for me. Purchase? No.

Urban Skincare Co Resurrect Hair Wash and Recovery Conditioner

I've reviewed these here. The hair wash was a disappointment because it doesn't clean well at all and I needed to use it three times to get my hair feeling close to clean, and even then it wasn't enough. The conditioner on the other hand is wonderful and it leaves my hair feeling soft and nourished and looking shiny. I'm annoyed about the shampoo, otherwise I would consider buying the pair - but I don't want to buy the conditioner without its partner. Purchase? No.

Alpha-H Liquid Gold with Glycolic Acid

This is one of my HG products and I'm on to my third bottle. Full review here. I plan to do a top ten post as part of my blog-iversary series of posts, and this product will definitely be included. You use it every second night and it really clears my skin, smooths it out and evens up my skintone, plus it makes me look brighter and younger. Love. I can't imagine ever being without this product. Repurchase? Yes.

Eslor Chlorophyll Lifting Mask

Full review here. As you may know, I'm a huge fan of Eslor products and this mask is no exception. It's one of the rare masks I've used that actually feels like it does something for my skin, and my face always looks brighter and firmer after using it. It's a green gel that dries down quite tightly, so it feels a little uncomfortable after a while, but the end result is worth it. Repurchase? Yes.

MAC Strobe Cream

This is an old favourite and I use it in so many ways - as a primer, a hydrating moisturiser and as a brightener to refresh my face if I'm going out after a long day. It's honestly a wonder product and it's one of the two products I love from MAC. Full review here. Repurchase? Yes.

Suki Purifying Foaming Cleanser

I'm in love with Suki products at the moment and this one is no exception. Full review here. I hope to buy the full size at some point - I just have a few other skincare items to get first (like an eye cream - I'm running low). It smells lemony divine, foams well and feels like it's doing a good job. I've been missing it since I finished it, so I might have to move it up the wishlist ; ). Repurchase? Yes.

In sum

Gosh it's a lot easier to write these empties posts when they're not overloaded with products!

Some good things in here, and ones I'm sad to finish. The stand-outs are the Suki, MAC, Eslor and Alpha-H products.

I'll check back in soon with my next round of empties.

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