
Friday 15 January 2016

2016 beauty resolutions

I'm not big on New Year's resolutions because they tend to be broken by mid January and we often put pressure on ourselves to do unattainable things, winding up deflated when we don't achieve them.

Having said this, I do have some beauty-related resolutions that I wanted to share because I've had them in my mind since the New Year ticked over and they're not things that set the bar too high.

As you may remember, in October 2014 I started a beauty 'no buy' that I hoped to keep up for a year. It didn't last quite that long (more like seven or eight months, from memory) and I found it too difficult to maintain because I have a little girl and I needed to treat myself occasionally to stay sane.

So with the important goal of sanity in mind (!), I've made a little list that's hopefully helpful to some and might contain a few things that you would like to achieve this year too : )

Stick to the wishlist

I've been pretty good with this one lately, but it's still something I need to keep in mind because it's so easy to fall for sales when your inbox is flooded with specials and promotions on a regular basis.

I recently shared my 2016 wishlist on this blog (see here) and I think that having a wishlist is a useful way to reign in spending because you can keep your eye on the list and not buy anything outside it.

So if you see one of your goodies from the list on special, snatch it up! Otherwise, studiously ignore promotions for products that aren't on the list - they're not the ones you really want so they're not worth it, no matter how discounted they may be.

Avoid impulse buys

This is related to the above but it's worth mentioning separately. If you need or want a particular product, go out and buy it - but don't throw other items in your basket while you're there.

It's so easy to do when you see a good bargain and it almost happened to me yesterday: I went into Chemist Warehouse to buy a lipstick because I knew that all makeup was half-price, and while I was in there I found myself standing in the queue with not only the lipstick I wanted in my basket, but two nailpolishes as well (I mean, they were half price - and so pretty!).

Happily I came to my senses and put the nailpolishes back on the shelves, so I spent $8 instead of $25. And I love my lipstick so much that I'm thinking of buying a second one in a different colour, which I'd much rather do because I get more enjoyment from lip products and most of my nailpolishes don't get used (I just don't have time for the whole nail process these days).

One in, one out

This is a good one if you have a beauty collection that's neither too big nor too small, or if you just want to limit your purchases in some way.

I don't need any more makeup for the time being, but I will need skincare as the year progresses and I don't want to be spending my precious few pennies on nailpolish bargains, to use the above example. Those 'little' purchases add up and, for those of us on a tight budget, can delay purchases of things you really need (if one ever really 'needs' beauty products at all ; )).

So if I finish a cleanser, I'll buy one to replace it. But I won't go stocking up on toners just because they're on special - these things can take a while to finish and I hate feeling overwhelmed by piles of back-up products in my cupboard. 

And if I'm desperate for the latest Hourglass release (as I usually am!), I'd better finish off a like product first so there's 'room' for it in my collection - and that's where Project Pan comes in.

Stay focused on Project Pan

If you don't know what this is, it's essentially a 'movement' in the beauty community whereby people are using particular products every day until they're finished. It's a good way to prevent waste and reduce the size of your stash. If you type 'Project Pan' into the search panel of this blog, you'll be able to see what's on my current list (see eg here).

Project Pan is a commitment because it's not easy (or fun!) to use the same products every day, so it's best to choose things that you'll get through quickly or that are almost finished anyway (I haven't been great with product choices in the past, I must admit).

So with the Hourglass example (I've got my eye on the new Ambient Strobe Lighting Powders that have just been released in the US), I'm looking at finishing off a highlighting product before I buy one of those. Here's looking at you, stupid Australis AC On Tour Kit.

'Shop your stash' (aka use what you have)

Are you guilty of forgetting just what you have and making sure it all gets used? I am! Sometimes I'll go to apply eg eyeshadow and think: 'I'm bored of this palette. Must be time to buy another one.' But of course I already have others on hand and it's just that I've been forgetting to use them.

What I've started to do is rotate the things I own, just to make sure I'm getting my money's worth from everything. On days when I'm mainly at home, I'll even reach for colours that I wouldn't normally wear - just so every pan I own has a dent in it. 

The other benefit of this is that sometimes you discover looks or colours that you didn't think you could wear, so you can find new favourites and feel like you've just bought something that you haven't used before. A good way to keep things interesting and curb 'boredom' spending.

Review your stash

This is more of a blogger thing but it's related to the above so I'll note it briefly here (and you can also look at it as a 'test your stash' thing if you're not a blogger).

I have a bundle of higher end favourites that I haven't reviewed yet for whatever reason - not entirely confident in my photography skills/equipment when it comes to subtle products that don't photograph well; the products are well-used so they won't look all pretty and perfect in photos (ridiculous); I'm trying to learn to love something before giving it a hoh-hum review because it was expensive (also ridiculous)... The list could go on.

I really noticed when I was doing my 2015 favourites just how many products I have and love that haven't been reviewed yet, so they didn't make it into my favourites post. Must remedy that and have a bigger list for 2016!

Declutter often and re-purpose when you can

I've always been pretty good with this one because I hate waste, so anything I receive in eg subscription boxes that isn't for me gets sent to a better home. I also offer products that I used to like but now don't use to friends, and anything that doesn't get snapped up is donated.

Also, some products can be used for other things so they can be 'saved', rather than wasted. Eg, I used a couple of gloopy nailpolishes to decorate my Christmas cards last year; I use old powders as dry shampoos (they have to be a reasonable colour match for my hair); and sometimes I find another use for a product that didn't work for me as intended (eg, I was about to give away an eyeshadow last year because it was rubbish, when I suddenly realised it looked great and worked much better as a blush).

I hate having too much stuff - and hate seeing things go to waste even more - and I suspect I'm not the only one who feels this way. So edit your collection a couple of times a year and only keep what works. Bad products don't get any better over time.

Use the good stuff

I used to be terrible at this one but I've forced myself to get better at it. Nevertheless, on days when I'm not going anywhere but the dog park I often reach for 'lesser' products because I don't want to 'waste' the good stuff if I'm not going out. Ridiculous - as if I'm ever going to hit pan on my fancy blushes anyway!

Plus who can really tell if you're wearing a $50 lipstick or a $10 one? You might be able to tell because of how it feels on the lips, but I guarantee that no one else will know the difference (unless they're as obsessed with makeup as you are and know a particular colour when they see it, which - let's face it - is highly unlikely).

I've finally trained myself to reach for whatever product takes my fancy on the day, rather than picking something I don't love because 'no one will see it anyway.' Why? Because it makes me feel good! And that's the point of makeup, yes?

In sum

I hope this little list was helpful in some way or at least made you smile a bit in recognition. I know I'm not the only one in the beauty community who wants to change how I approach my collection and/or limit my spending!

Do let me know what beauty resolutions you have this year: try some new looks; experiment with colour; stop subscribing to so many beauty boxes? I'd love to hear : )

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