
Saturday 18 June 2016

Two year blogiversary tomorrow: woot woot!

Hooray hooray, it's my two-year blogiversary tomorrow!

I can't quite believe it, to be honest. I started this blog during my first pregnancy because I knew I'd need something to do with myself throughout my upcoming maternity leave, and I didn't expect to enjoy it so much that I would keep it going for this long.

I started out with the idea that this would be a life blog, but it's turned into more of a beauty blog because I'm such a junkie that I'm more than happy to post about beauty products every day.

It's been a steep learning curve for me and I'm still working on doing things better - photos, how I structure my posts and the layout of my blog etc - but I guess it'd be boring if there wasn't always something to improve on.

It was only this week that I realised my blogiversary was coming up, and I haven't yet given much thought to how I'll celebrate it. 

I guess it would be nice to do some round-up posts on the things I've learned since I started blogging, and perhaps I could write a few posts on the best products I've discovered over the past blogging year. Do let me know if there are any posts you'd like to see throughout the coming week.

I would of course love to do a giveaway of some description, but this is still a small blog and it doesn't generate much income, plus with a toddler and another bun in the oven, I don't have enough cash to buy fun new stuff for myself - let alone for a giveaway : ( But I promise I'll do one in future if the situation changes!

The last thing to say is a huge thank you to anyone who reads and subscribes to this blog: thanks so much for your support. I really mean that x 

I look forward to keeping littlewhitetruths going in future, and I do hope that I'll be able to keep up the momentum once our second child has arrived. I can't see why not, given that I can't help but write every day and I can't see that ever changing!

Do stay tuned throughout the coming week: I'll have a good think about what fun posts I can write to help mark my second anniversary.

YAY : )

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