
Tuesday 2 July 2019

Happy fifth birthday to little white truths

Well, I'm almost two weeks late with this post - but as they say, better late than never. While this blog's birthday was on the 20th of June, we had a rough second half of June and I barely got any posts out during that period, meaning I'm super behind with lots of things. I'll live.

Although I can't quite believe that five years have passed since I started this blog, I suppose it's not surprising because I started it when I was pregnant with my daughter and I now have two pre-schoolers - so this blog has been with me during the mad years. Let's hope it stays around even longer.

As you may know, each year I do a series of blogversary posts to celebrate the passing of another blogging year, and while I don't have particular goals in mind for the kinds of posts I plan to write this year, I generally look at things like blogging resolutions and my favourite brands or even favourite products of the blogging year.

However considering how late I am with everything this year, I may pare things back and just write a couple of posts to mark the occasion. We'll see how things fall.

While last year I wrote a much more detailed post in honour of the blog's birthday (you can see that here), this year I'm going to keep things short and sweet: there's work to be done, tax to be finished and washing to be sorted before I pick up my son from childcare in four hours, so there's only so much time these days and I'm ok with that.

Anyhoo. Happy birthday, little white truths. Here's to another good year of finding tiny moments to write between the madness.  

Hope all's well with you, and speak soon x

* All images courtesy of

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