
Tuesday 29 September 2015

Flatlaying? So that's what it's called! A competition.

railroad, railway, train tracks, transportation

I saw on Facelurk that DOLLY, Cleo and Lust Have It! have joined up to find the most stunning beauty flaylay in Australia (see here for details).

I knew immediately what the term 'flatlay' meant when I saw it, but I hadn't heard it used before - quite possibly because I've had my head in the sand where photography is concerned. (Hey, I'm a writer, forgive me!)

Basically a flatlay is arranging items on a flat surface so they look pretty and interesting. The composition has to be there too.

Since I've never done a beauty flatlay in my life, I thought it was high time to get creative and interesting with my photos. I'm starting at a disadvantage, not only because I have no background in photography and haven't experimented too much with designing photos for this blog, but also because I don't have good equipment or programs to help me.

But let's see what I can do. After all, prizes are involved!

The winner will receive:
  • Beauty goodies worth over $2000 from Lust Have It (oooohhh...)
  • One year’s subscription to Lust Have It
  • A flight and hotel stay in Sydney
  • A DOLLY or Cleo subscription
  • The opportunity to style a beauty flatlay that will be featured in DOLLY or Cleo
Fifty runners up will receive beauty boxes worth over $100 from Lust Have It.

Better get flatlaying then... Wish me luck!

(PS: The photos I've included here aren't flatlays. They're just, you know, flat things laid out in a row - which tends to be the norm where railway tracks and pianos are involved. But I'm guessing you saw where I was going with all that so I probably didn't need to spell it out. Ahem.)

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