
Tuesday 29 September 2015

Some changes to littlewhitetruths

books, reading, colors, art, vintage, pencils, shavings, colours

I've been meaning to do more with littlewhitetruths for some time, and to also start becoming more active again on my author website.

Problem is, I started both when I was pregnant and I now have a little girl, so I definitely have baby brain and any capacity for learning new things has been directed to raising a fast-growing little human being (as of course it should be!).

I won't go on about my author website here, since that's another issue and it may take me a while to feel I can write well again when it comes to novels and short stories.

But there are certainly a number of things I can do with littlewhitetruths to help it grow.

First, you may see that I've added a few social media icons to my blog. Yes, it's true - I'm finally on Twitter! I've also added a link to my LinkedIn profile - which I've had for a while but I do need to update - as well as a few other platforms.

I have set up a personal Instagram account, which I have started using but I need to pay more attention to it and I'll need to set up a second account for littlewhitetruths.

Finally, it's high time I learned how to do more interesting photos, don't you think?!?!?! I love seeing beautiful photography, so I would like to develop my skills in that area - and since my daughter isn't down for childcare until she's one year old, I have a few months to dedicate a little time towards learning more about how to take great photos.

What this means for the blog overall, is that I may not be posting at least once a day as I have been, but perhaps every couple of days on this blog and maybe once a week on my author website.

I may also attempt to change the look and feel of my blog, although that will depend on what templates I can find that are free, since we can't afford any extra expenses at the moment.

Wish me luck!


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