Purederm Nose Pore Strips Charcoal - review


I received a six-pack of these nose strips in Memebox Superbox #63 Blackheads No More.

I'm only just getting to using the products from that box now because I've had so much stuff in backlog, but if everything in it is as good as these little strips, I'm (finally!) in for a really great box.

Purederm claims/product details:
  • A one-step pore treatment specifically designed to unclog excess blackheads, whiteheads, dirt and oil piled up in your pores 
  • Notice the difference after one use
  • Leaves your skin clear and smooth
  • Continued use works to tighten pores, keeping skin looking and feeling fresh
  • RRP $6USD for six strips


These are awesome, and easily the best nose strips I've used. They suck out blackheads brilliantly (yuck! ha) and leave your skin looking and feeling much cleaner.

They're one of the few Memebox products I've really loved. You certainly do notice the difference after one use (you only have to look at the spent strip to see the good work it's done!) and they do make your skin look smooth and fresh.

Yes these live up to their claims, so yay to that. I'd definitely consider buying these if I can get them easily enough once my spending ban has lifted - and I've seen them on both Amazon and ebay, so they're on the list!


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