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Five good things: March 2018

I went to write a review post this morning but just didn't have the head for it: we had our 20 year reunion last night (shit, I'm old) so I was late to sleep and some builders from next door decided to start dropping bags of cement outside our house before 7am this morning. Annoying because the kids slept through until 8am.
Argh. Not happy Jane.
So it seemed like a good day for my monthly positives! Now to see what I can rustle up...

We had our 20 year reunion last night
Reunions are odd affairs, and they're even more odd when you can say that you've been out of school for two whole decades. Yikes. Didn't I only leave yesterday?
I didn't bother going to the five year one because it was too soon afterwards and I still saw everyone anyway, but I did go to the ten year reunion and I wasn't going to miss the one last night.
Unfortunately there's apparently an issue with keeping in touch with our year level in particular, so only twenty-three of us were there - but given that the school only had thirty people's emails, that's not too bad. Hopefully they can sort things out before the next one. Hell, with social media the way it is now, it's very easy for most of us to be found.
It was nice to see everyone, and perhaps it was good that there weren't too many of us because it meant that you had an opportunity to speak to most of the people there. We all looked the same, if not older (ha), and it was good to catch up with those who I haven't seen for a good few years. Fingers crossed that the school manages to locate more of us before the next one: the class of 1978 also had a reunion last night and by golly they put us to shame in terms of numbers!

Mex is away on business next week
I know, I know: the fact that my husband is heading off from Monday to Friday and leaving me alone with two toddlers isn't super thrilling, but I've done it before and it's not all that bad.
I don't know what it is, but when it's just you in the house, then there's no 'who's going to do this?' about things: there's only you so you're it.
I'm also looking at it as a positive from Mex's perspective: although it will be a busy work trip for him with plenty of meetings, it will still be a break from this groundhog day we've been living for years now. He'll have two plane flights by himself, meals to himself, a hotel room to himself and no one will be hassling him overnight. Lucky bugger.
Of course, the bonus of this is that he'll be more refreshed for the Easter break, so I should hopefully have some time off then. Huzzah.

Mum's back next week
My mum has been away since the 15th of March, and she's back on Monday so thank christ for that because she's my main source of babysitting. Sure, she may only drop by once a week (and we'll often leave the kids with my parents for two hours on Sundays), but even that small amount of help makes a big difference.
It also means that someone's here for emergencies; eg if I need to take one of the kids (or myself) to the doctor but want to be able to do it without extras in tow. And it's just nice to know that the option is there if you need it; for the last nine days, I've been on my own with no daytime help in sight.
Bring on the back-up, I say!

We're watching Game of Thrones again, right from the beginning
This might seem like a bit of an odd monthly positive to mention, but if you remember me talking about how I've fallen into a YouTube hole of watching GOT theory videos, you might understand it.
All I've done since January is watch countless videos containing things like GOT predictions for Season 8 and also theories about some foreshadowing in the show, so it's made sense for me to go back to the beginning and see what else I can notice this time around.
Happily Mex was on-board with this idea so we've already made inroads into Season 1, and it's true that you notice more about a show when you go back to watch it a second time. And given that Season 8 isn't out until April 2019, it's not a bad idea to start refreshing ourselves now.
Let me know if you want me to discuss any of the theories and predictions that I've heard about, or whether you'd prefer that I kept them to myself - just in case any of them come true!

We're having a short break over Easter
As you may know, we don't go away much these days - hardly seems worth the money when we come away tireder from the effort - but we've decided to go down to Lorne for a few days over the break because my parents have a house there so it won't be an expensive trip.
Lorne was indeed our last trip, and it was - we agreed at the time - the best 'holiday' we'd had after children because only my son was a nightmare overnight so at least we could alternate the person looking after him. It was really the first time we'd been away with my daughter that she wasn't horrendous overnight, so perhaps we've crossed into slightly new territory when it comes to travel.
Let's hope so, anyway. We've got a trip to Queensland booked in April and I've been rather apprehensive about it, given how disastrous our other trips have been, so Lorne might be a good test case. We'll see.

In sum
That's all from me. I haven't had a huge amount to report in terms of positives this month (I really had to think about them this time), but that's because March has been a bugger of a month for me. It always is.
I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but March is my month of the year when everything changes - it's the same for me every year - so I've had to deal with a few curve-balls over the last few weeks and I'm more exhausted than usual. Everything's fine (fingers crossed), but March is never an easy month so I'll be glad to see the back of it.
Anyhoo. Hope all's well with you, and speak soon x
* Images courtesy of unsplash.com