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Mex's 40th birthday

Hello all and welcome to today's post, which is just a short note to say that today is the day we're holding Mex's 40th birthday bash.
As you may know, we decided to have this back at the beginning of January, and since then we've been slowly getting the house and garden organised.
While I've held many a party in my time, we haven't held anything like this since we had kids and it's also the first time that we've held anything in our new house. It's been all too hard until recently, but now that the kids are sleeping through most nights, we'll be able to do stuff like this more often.

It's been a busy few weeks, I must say, and I started getting the garden into shape at the beginning of February. The thing about having kids is that it's not so easy to just get out there and do some weeding. If they're with me, I might get a weed or two into a bag before they're both attempting to play with the outside power-point or they've both headed to one of the pots and are scattering dirt onto the paved areas, thereby creating more work for me to do.
Ah yes, it hasn't been an easy task.
It's also not an easy task to try to clean out your daughter's room with two kids inside it. I did somehow manage to do that, but for every item I was able to put away or dust, any number of books or nappies were thrown onto the floor so it was one of those three steps forward, two steps back situations.
Indeed, I wouldn't attempt trying to get a house organised with young kids inside it, but then, sometimes there's no other time to do it.

Last night Norman's sister and her husband arrived from Sydney, so at least we've got help on hand this morning as we're getting the final things done.
And it's amazing how the kids are so much better behaved when you have company in the house. Normally we wake up to screaming and arguments, and yes that happened this morning, but as soon as our guests emerged from their room, it's been all smiles and laughs. Ha. This is why some people don't realise what it's like to live with children every day.
One of life's great conspiracies.

Anyhoo. I've woken up with this 'can't be bothered' feeling, which is hardly surprising given that we've spent the last two weeks cleaning the house and I'm over it, but we just have the final push to get things sorted so I'll have to get my act together soon and pull the last few things together.
There's salad to be made, food to be defrosted, the last few items to be put away or cleaned. Even my makeup and my computer will be gone from the kitchen table shortly, which always feels weird to me because they've become part of the furniture, but needs must so there you go.
That's all from me today. I'll check back in tomorrow and let you know how everything went.
Hope all's well with you, and speak soon x
* All images courtesy of unsplash.com