- 2018 makeup no buy: two month update
- 2018 skincare no buy: three month update
- February 2018 favourites
- Skinstitut Ultra Firming Eye & Neck Cream - review
- February 2018 empties #3
- Project Pan 2018: February update
- Project Dent 2018: Hourglass Ambient Strobe Lighti...
- Project Dent 2018 update: Hourglass Ambient Lighti...
- Project Dent 2018: Anastasia Beverly Hills Modern ...
- Project Dent 2018 update: Hourglass Ambient Lighti...
- 2018 life resolutions: how did I go?
- 2018 skincare no buy: essential purchase #2
- Contact dermatitis: three week update
- Five good things: February 2018
- Rimmel Exaggerate Automatic Waterproof Eye Definer...
- Pan that Palette 2018: February update (Burberry, ...
- Project Pan 2018 mini update #4
- Rimmel Moisture Renew Sheer & Shine Lipsticks in 6...
- Hourglass Ambient Strobe Lighting Powder in Brilli...
- Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder in Dim Light - r...
- Caramel Espresso Coffee Bar - review
- Sachet city: February 2018
- Fun new things to play with 2018 #1
- February 2018 empties #2
- Project Pan 2018: mini update #3
- Evolve Organic Beauty African Orange Aromatic Body...
- Contact dermatitis: two week update
- Project Dent 2018: Hourglass Ambient Strobe Lighti...
- Project Dent 2018: Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powd...
- 2018 makeup no buy: essential purchase #1
- Project Dent 2018 update: Becca custom blush and h...
- Hair Recipe Honey & Apricot Moisture Shampoo and C...
- February 2018 empties #1
- La Roche-Posay Uvidea XL SPF 50+ BB Cream in 02 Me...
- Project Pan 2018 mini update #2
- Models Prefer Lip Lacquer in Hot Sand - review and...
- Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturising Lotio...
- Contact dermatitis: one week update
- Dermalogica UltraCalming Cleanser - review
- Mecca Cosmetica Lit From Within Illuminating Prime...
- Mecca Level 3 Beauty Loop Box, February 2018 - unb...
- Project Pan 2018 mini update #1
- Darphin Hydraksin Rich Cream - review
Five good things: February 2018

It's all a bit nuts here at the moment: aside from the usual trials of living with two toddlers, we're having a fortieth birthday party for Mex in a couple of weeks so things are even busier than usual.
There's much organising to be done (cleaning too), and I've also been spending plenty of time out in the garden. While I normally garden anyway, this time I'm cutting back any trees and bushes that are encroaching on the paved areas where people might stand or kids might want to play. This has also meant pruning back our exploding citrus trees, where there's a lot of unripe fruit that I've been shearing around.
I digress. We're nearing the end of the month so why not have a look at my monthly positives. Feels like a good day for it, tired as I am.

We've been a lot more social lately
Any parent will know that the first year of a child's life tends to be incredibly draining. You spend most of your time exhausted - whether or not you get a good sleeper - and my second child definitely wasn't a good sleeper so we had that added 'bonus' to deal with.
Still, once he turned one in October and we got past the festive season, it's as though we suddenly felt able to do more. Seeing people we haven't seen enough, really using our weekends, making extra play dates for the kids - that kind of thing.
And yes, the impending party - which we're using as an opportunity to see people whom we haven't seen in a while.
Of course, we're still permanently drained because the kids have boundless energy during the day, but at least we're not as sleep-deprived as before so our lives feel a little broader. That has to be a good thing.

I can stop using DermAid 1%
As you may know, I wound up with contact dermatitis a while ago so I was prescribed this DermAid stuff to put on my face twice daily. It's been bloody awful. All it's done is dry out my already dry skin and made me break out, so I still have those dastardly white patches and they're not showing any sign of shifting.
I got in touch with my dermatologist about this on Monday and he called me today (he's been away) to tell me to stop using the DermAid and instead opt for a heavy moisturiser at night to see if that gets in there and does something to the white patches. As he noted, you can't see the patches unless you know they're there so that's not the issue - the issue is that there's been a textural change because makeup won't adhere to those areas (ie, my blush and bronzer look patchy when applied).
He's hoping that the heavy moisturiser might do something for the texture at least (he's recommended QV's Intensive Cream, which I'll buy today), so I'll be starting with that tonight. Yes I'm sad that the white patches aren't going anywhere but I'm super excited that I don't have to keep using that other stuff. My skin hates it.

Once the party's over, we're going to have a very clean garden and house
This has to be noted as a positive. What I've been doing ever since we decided to throw the fortieth is slowly removing things from the house. Indeed, you may remember that I posted on some resolutions surrounding this in January, and I must come back soon and update that post so you know what I have and haven't been able to achieve.
You see, it's not just the garden that I'm cutting right back: I've started doing things like cleaning the gutters out too. Jobs that need to be done but have fallen to the wayside. The party's my excuse.
(If you're wondering why I'm cleaning out gutters and hacking away at trees: we have a role reversal in this house. I hate cleaning and my husband hates the more dirty, active jobs - so we've never followed those traditional designations of domestic chores.)
What I've also been doing is going through everything that we own and working out what can be sent to the op shop, what needs to be tossed and what needs to be put away for someone else (eg, the clothes that my kids have grown out of). There's still much to be done, but day by day, the amount of shit under this roof is getting smaller. Thank god for that.

Contact dermatitis has turned out to be a good thing for my panning projects
You wouldn't believe it, but being told that I can't wear makeup unless I go out (not to mention the tight skincare restrictions) has turned out to be a positive for my panning projects - at least where makeup's concerned.
Because here's the thing: I need to apply makeup during the day for my own sanity, and since I can't do that to my own face while the kids are screaming around me, I've been doing it in a notebook by drawing a face every day and filling it in. Also for my own sanity, I've been applying makeup to my own face in the evening just before my shower (my dermatologist gave me the green light on this), so I've essentially been applying makeup to two different 'faces' every day for over three weeks.
This of course has meant that I'm getting through some of my powders a lot faster. While I wouldn't apply my more special stuff to paper (eg, certainly not the Hourglass palette I'm panning), I don't mind doing that with the older, more crumbly stuff that doesn't look great on me anyway. On top of this, you need to apply a lot more product to paper in order to get it to show up (and my paper face has more lid space than I do, with my hooded eyes), so I'm burning through some of my powders faster than I ever have before.
Yes there's an end to this because I won't be under makeup restrictions forever (well, I certainly hope not - touch wood), but for now I'm looking on it as a good silver lining where my makeup panning is concerned. Hooray.

My no buys are going well
I've been on a skincare spending ban for almost three months now and so far I've only made one essential purchase (I needed a treatment for my dry lips), although there'll shortly be another one because I'll need to buy the intensive night cream that my dermatologist recommended. Otherwise I've stuck to it, so I'm pretty impressed with myself because that's not easy for me to do.
I've also been on a makeup no buy for two months, and so far I've only bought one brow pencil because I finished the only one I had - meaning I've done well with that too. Yay!
I'm planning to keep going with both bans until the beginning of June, at which point I'll allow myself to buy a few things because June is my birthday month, and after that I may extend the no buys a little longer just to stop the flow of new stuff coming in.
What's also good about all this is that I have my makeup and skincare inventory posts due at the end of March, and I'm looking forward to seeing how much I've managed to get my numbers down by then!

In sum
That's all from me.
I hope you enjoyed this little post and that you've got plenty of your own positives for the month. February's usually an odd month because it feels so remarkably short, even though in reality there are only a few days difference between this month and all the others. Just one of those things, I suppose.
Hope all's well with you, and speak soon x
* All images courtesy of unsplash.com